Resistance and Communication

Resistance and Communication

There are two parts to this assignment.

Part One:

Write a one-page paper. From the article,  , (attached) analyze the three characteristics that demonstrate readiness to lead change. Conclude which characteristics or behaviors tend to increase employee turnover and/or demonstrate the manager’s inability to properly lead change. Use at least one reference.

Part Two:

Using your selected organization (FIB), diagnose the organization’s level of resistance, and construct a solid communication plan. Submit a 4–6-page paper


Write a 4–6-page paper in which you:

Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.

Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three potential sources of resistance to your change plan.

Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.

Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.

Evaluate three communication strategies.

Recommend one communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.

Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.

Use at least five quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Rubric: Resistance and Communication

Diagnose the reasons for resistance to change.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 10.5 (7.50%) points

Competent 11.9 (8.50%) points

Exemplary 14 (10.00%) points

Interpret the potential causes of resistance in the organization. Identify and describe three potential causes of resistance to your change plan. Identify and describe three potential sources of resistance to your change plan.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 15.75 (11.25%) points

Competent 17.85 (12.75%) points

Exemplary 21 (15.00%) points

Create a plan for minimizing possible resistance to your change management plan.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 15.75 (11.25%) points

Competent 17.85 (12.75%) points

Exemplary 21 (15.00%) points

Elaborate on the relationship between resistance to change and communication.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 10.5 (7.50%) points

Competent 11.9 (8.50%) points

Exemplary 14 (10.00%) points

Evaluate three communication strategies.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 10.5 (7.50%) points

Competent 11.9 (8.50%) points

Exemplary 14 (10.00%) points

Recommend one communication strategy that would be applicable to your organization. Diagnose why this communication strategy is best for your organization.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 15.75 (11.25%) points

Competent 17.85 (12.75%) points

Exemplary 21 (15.00%) points

Create a solid communication plan for your change initiative.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 10.5 (7.50%) points

Competent 11.9 (8.50%) points

Exemplary 14 (10.00%) points

Four References.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 5.25 (3.75%) points

Competent 5.95 (4.25%) points

Exemplary 7 (5.00%) points

Clarity or coherence in presentation and writing mechanics–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 5.25 (3.75%) points

Competent 5.95 (4.25%) points

Exemplary 7 (5.00%) points

Met formatting requirements, including one page summary for presentation option.–

Levels of Achievement:

Unacceptable 0 (0.00%) points

Needs Improvement 5.25 (3.75%) points

Competent 5.95 (4.25%) points

Exemplary 7 (5.00%) points


With the rise of global awareness and the prevalence of technology, resistance and communication have become increasingly intertwined. This essay will explore the various ways in which individuals and communities have used communication to resist oppression, specifically examining the role of nonverbal communication, the impact of social media on resistance movements, and the power of political protest as a form of resistance.
Nonverbal communication has a major role in resisting oppression and can be used to convey powerful messages. As Espino (2014) explains, nonverbal communication can be used to resist oppression in a variety of ways, such as by helping individuals build solidarity, creating a sense of community, and challenging oppressive norms. For example, a simple smile or nod of recognition can show solidarity between individuals and create a sense of community. Additionally, nonverbal communication can be used to challenge oppressive norms through silent protests or through symbolic gestures. An example of this is the Black Lives Matter movement, which has used protests, marches, and other forms of nonverbal communication to challenge oppressive norms. The use of nonverbal communication can also be used to challenge oppressive language and to create a safe space for individuals to express themselves. Overall, it is clear that nonverbal communication has an important role in resisting oppression and can be used to create a sense of community and to challenge oppressive norms.
The impact of social media on resistance movements has been significant in recent years, as evidenced by the example of the Arab Spring of 2010-2012. According to C Tucker (2013), the use of social media in these countries allowed for the spread of news and ideas regarding the resistance movements, mobilizing and inspiring the people to take action. Furthermore, it allowed for the spread of ideas over long distances, meaning that those far away from the action were still able to participate. This gave the resistance a greater chance of success, as they were able to draw on a larger number of people, and even those outside the country, to support them. Social media also allowed for coordination and organization of activities, allowing for a greater level of efficiency and allowing for the rapid spread of information. Finally, it allowed for the formation of virtual networks and the ability to communicate and coordinate across large distances, something that would have been impossible before. Thus, the use of social media has been instrumental in the success of many resistance movements around the world, and will likely continue to be so in the future.
Political protest as a form of resistance has been used for centuries, and it has been shown to be a powerful force for change. For example, in Y Lee’s 2015 article in the Journal of Contemporary Asia, it was found that protest can be an effective way to challenge and disrupt existing power structures. Political protest can provide an effective platform for individuals or groups to express dissent and opposition to those in power. It can also be used to draw attention to issues that may not have been widely discussed in the mainstream media. Furthermore, political protest can act as a vehicle for collective action and mobilisation, enabling participants to work together to advocate for social, economic and political change. Additionally, political protest can be seen as a form of symbolic action, as it allows people to symbolically demonstrate their commitment to a particular cause. Through its symbolic power, political protest can be used to challenge and disrupt the status quo, encouraging people to think critically about the structures and systems in place. Ultimately, political protest is an important tool for resistance, allowing individuals and groups to express discontent and push for change.
Resistance and communication are core components of all healthy relationships. Learning to effectively communicate and accept differences of opinion is essential to both personal and professional growth. Establishing certain boundaries helps ensure that conversations remain respectful and productive. By seeking to understand and work toward mutual goals, individuals can develop strong, resilient relationships that foster growth and mutual understanding.
Work Cited
MM Espino.”Exploring the role of community cultural wealth in graduate school access and persistence for Mexican American PhDs.”
“Using social network analysis and framing to assess collective identity in the genetic engineering resistance movement of Aotearoa New Zealand.”
“Sky protest: New forms of labour resistance in neo-liberal Korea.”




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