Rev. 8.18
Using Collins’ work as a model and framework for advanced organizational analysis (and other references as needed), analyze a system, organization, organization systems and/or subsystems. Consider each of the concepts proposed by Collins’ breaking down the organizations’ strategic plan, financial management, organizational structure, leadership, organizational culture, performance outcomes, etc. Collins’ work is a good foundational text, along with Fifth Discipline (Senge, 1990) and other related writers and models.
When analyzing an organizational system, along with Collins’ work, consider chaos theory and complexity science (Wheatley, Porter-O-Grady), learning organizations (Senge), change and innovation (Gladwell, Rogers, Quinn). If you have not found these references in the required or recommended course readings, google the names of these authors and learn more about their contributions to understanding organizational behavior and leading complex systems. Such references may be useful in arriving at a greater level of understanding of organizations necessary to truly transform our current health care systems. As part of this analysis, consider interviewing members of the staff, board members, organizational historians, key administrative personnel (CFO, CEO, CNE, etc.). If you are not familiar with the organization/system, it will be essential that you talk to members of the organization who can help you develop a rich understanding of the leadership, culture, and decision-making patterns. Consider what is written about the organization and its system in the local paper, regional documents, trade journals, etc. These qualitative methods, along with review of clinical, financial and other evaluation measures (quantitative measures), will provide a more holistic perspective of an organizational systems’ performance.
The paper should be carefully written in a formal style, based on primary sources, provide an integration of ideas, and be 5-6 pages in length, excluding title page & reference list. Organized flow, logical progression of ideas, and clarity in thought are essential. Please use headings to separate content. References must be timely; published within the previous five (5) years. Liberal number of primary and peer reviewed references (minimum of 10).
Papers over the page limit will be penalized by a disregard of content over the page limit.
Scholarship Expectations:
A lack of Scholarship deduction of up to 20% of the total point value of the assignment will be applied to address such deficiencies as APA errors, Title or Reference page errors, a lack of clarity and conciseness in writing, grammatical and spelling errors, exceeding the prescribed page limit, and poor overall writing skills. For example, an assignment worth 15 points could have a maximum lack of scholarship deduction of 3 points (20% x 15). The amount of the deduction will be at the discretion of the faculty member.
You are clinical nurse scholars in the making. You are the nurses with advanced education/DNPs and members of the highly literate profession of advanced practice nursing who will chart the future of health care. Good writing ability is as much a required skill for nurses in advanced practice as performing clinical functions. Therefore, precision and scholarship is expected in all assignments.
Rev. 8.18
Grading Rubric Criteria Grade Points
0.5 Introduction paragraph (one paragraph). There must be a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph that tells the reader the purpose of paper and what will be discussed.
Identify an organization, system or subsystem within a larger system. You may want to use the system in which you have been working or one where you anticipate working.
• Give an overall description to include aspects such as the mission, philosophy, values, overall goals, structure, resources, etc.).
• Discuss whether your organization’s mission and values are alive and well? • In terms of an employer and healthcare provider, how is your organization
viewed by the community?
Culture of the organization: • Describe the organization’s culture using Schein’s definition of culture
Reflect on the organization’s norms, traditions, sacred cows. • Describe the organization’s climate (dynamic, supportive, innovative, bold,
stagnant, caring, etc.) and employees’ attitudes, fears, and behavior (engagement, commitment, resistance to change, etc.).
Learning Organization:
• Describe the organization’s culture for learning (Senge, Deming). How does the organization learn? Support discussion with examples.
Discuss the predominant leadership style (transformational, autocratic, democratic, laissez-faire, transactional) for the organization (Kaiser). Support your leadership assessment with examples.
Apply the Polarity Thinking Model to your organization. Are the polarities in balance for the organization? Discuss one specific polarity related to healthcare for your organization and give examples of how it is in or out of balance.
Apply Collins’research findings and conclusions to your organization, agency, system, etc (Collins).
• Note the “level of greatness” of organizational leadership? • Are the right people on the bus? • Does your company face the “brutal facts”? • How has the organization applied the Hedgehog Concept? • Describe whether your company has a culture of discipline, or not? Is your
company a leader or lager in technology? • Apply the “Flywheel Concept” to your organization’s Level of Greatness.
Include examples or evidence to support your organizational assessment findings.
Define disruptive innovation and describe an example of how the organization does or does not embrace disruptive innovation. What disruptive innovation might you consider in your future role as an MSN or DNP?
Conclusions: Summarize the essential points of paper (one paragraph). 0.5
Establish healthcare organizations in the 21st century as com
plex adaptive system s
(W heatley, Plesk &
G reenhalgh,
D em
ing). D iscuss the challenges
of transform ation of com
plex system
Establish healthcare organizations in the 21st century as complex adaptive systems (Wheatley, Plesk & Greenhalgh, Deming). Discuss the challenges of transformation of complex systems.
Rev. 8.18
Point Deductions: A lack of Scholarship deduction of up to 20% of the total point value of the assignment will be applied to address such deficiencies as APA errors, Title or Reference page errors, a lack of clarity and conciseness in writing, grammatical and spelling errors, exceeding the prescribed page limit, and poor overall writing skills. Faculty Comments:
Total 20
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