Name of student and student number
Name of Supervisor
Date of submission Table of Contents List of appendices Acknowledgements
Abstract (100 – 150 words)
The abstract must communicate the essential parts of the research proposal and should follow the same order as the proposal. It must convince the reader that the study is interesting and important
Chapter 1: Literature review (2100 words) This section should include an Introduction and short justification for the proposed research study. The literature review must show evidence of wide reading and analysis, synthesis and evaluation of research findings Chapter 2: Methodology (3300 words) Design Design refers to how your research study will be conducted and the reasons for your choice of study methodology. You must label the methodology that you will employ e.g. quantitative – correlational or qualitative – phenomenological. This methodology must be justified from the research literature. Enough detail must be presented so that the reader can determine the adequacy of the methods. However, it is important to remember that your proposal is not a theory paper on research methods. Your proposed study must be central to the discussion with the research literature offering support to your proposed choice. Population / Sample You will need to provide details of your choice of sampling technique and sample size, as well as details about the participants (i.e. age, gender, religion, medical conditions, employed, etc). Inclusion and exclusion criteria must be stated along with the rationale for these decisions. Methods of data collection Any materials used in the study should be described in sufficient detail. This must also indicate how the data will be collected and where possible offer samples of the data tools as an appendix (i.e. questionnaires, interview schedules, and participant consent letters). Information on how, where and when the data is to be collected must be given. Robustness of data collection methods
You will need to identify the issues regarding the reliability and validity of any measurement tools to be employed. Similarly, for those undertaking a qualitative study identify the robustness of the study (consistency, truthfulness and transferability). Data analysis Discuss the methods of analysis. If quantitative data is to be collected and analysed you must indicate the specific statistical tests to be utilised and the statistical package that will be used (i.e. SPSS Version 11). If qualitative, you must provide clear guidelines as to how the data will be analysed, identifying the model of analysis that you will utilise (This section must also address the issue of data management, data protection, etc. Pilot study Explain the purpose of a pilot study and give details of your proposed pilot study. Procedure for main study Here you have to provide a succinct account of how the study will be carried out: step-by-step details such as where you will carry out interviews, how they will be recorded etc. Ethical considerations You must provide a detailed discussion exploring any relevant ethical issues pertaining to your proposed research study (protection of participants’ safety, confidentiality etc.). A participant information sheet and participant consent form must be prepared and included in the appendices. Chapter 3: Planning the research project (400 words) Anticipated outcome of the study Discuss the expected outcomes (linked to initial research question or aims and objectives) of your proposed study. Give a short explanation of how the findings can be disseminated. Time scale Prepare a detailed time-scale or time frame for the proposed study (you are to assume that the study would be carried out over an 18-month period). Resources Prepare a realistic budget:
Costing for staff (and participants if appropriate)
Costings for consultant fees (including statistician if needed)
Costing for materials (i.e. questionnaires, photocopying, postage)
Costing for secretarial support if needed
Costing for travel
Costing for dissemination References Use the Referencing System described in the RCN House Style for Writing document, which you have used throughout your course .You will loose marks for inaccurate or incomplete referencing.
Participant Information Sheet and Participant Consent Form (must be attached in the appendix)
Some indication of the questions to be asked should be included if appropriate to the methodology
1 Abstract Does abstract contain the essential parts of the research?
2 Chapter 1: : Literature review (2100 words)
Introduction Does the topic Introduced with a clear problem statement?
Literature Review
Does Literature show evidence of a range of international, national and regional empirical studies
Does the Literature review critically evaluated – their strengths and weaknesses
the adequacy of the sample sizes and sampling techniques
employed within such studies show evidence of the appropriateness of these research study
designs including data collection and data analysis techniques compare and contrast the relevance of your study to previous
studies identifying gaps in the research literature
Does the study justify? ( Impact of the study findings/prevalence….
Research question
Research question Is it interrogative that is, posed as a question and not as a
Research Aim and objectives
A statement of the hypothesis or aims and objectives
Is it clearly stated and gave an indication of the expected outcome of the research study.
Are they realistic and achievable within the period of the proposed study?
Chapter 2 :Methodology (3300 words)
Does your study clearly identify the design e.g. quantitative – correlational or qualitative –and reasons for your choice of study methodology?
Is the proposed study central to the discussion with the research literature offering support to your proposed choice?
Is setting of the proposed study identified with discussion of the rationale for selecting this setting?
Population / Sample
Are details of your choice of sampling technique and sample size,
as well as details about the participants (i.e. age, gender, religion, medical conditions, employed, etc). Inclusion and exclusion criteria stated along with the rationale for these decisions.
Methods of data collection
Is there a discussion of how, when and where the data will be collected in the proposed study?
Are the samples of the data tools described and attached as an appendix (i.e. questionnaires, interview schedules, and participant consent letters.
Is there a rationale provided for the appropriateness of the tool?
Robustness of data collection methods
Did the Quantitative study identify the issues regarding the reliability and validity of any measurement tools to be employed? Did the Qualitative study identify the robustness of the study
(consistency, truthfulness and transferability)?
Data analysis
Is there a discussion of the methods of analysis of data? Is the specific statistical tests to be utilised and the statistical
package that will be used (i.e. SPSS Version 11) discussed if the study is quantitative?
Are the guidelines for qualitative data analysis provided clearly including model used?
Is data management and data protection explained?
Ethical considerations
Is there a detailed discussion exploring any relevant ethical issues pertaining to your proposed research study (protection of participants’ safety, confidentiality etc.) provided?
Are the participant information sheet and participant consent form prepared and included in the appendices?
Pilot study
Is the purpose of a pilot study explained? Is the detail of your proposed pilot study provided?
Procedure for main study
Have you provided a succinct account of how the study will be
carried out: step-by-step details?
Chapter 3: Planning the research project (400 words)
Anticipated outcome of the study
Is there a discussion of the expected outcomes (linked to initial research question or aims and objectives) of your proposed study?
Is there a short explanation of how the findings can be disseminated?
Time scale
Is there a detailed time-scale or time frame for the proposed study prepared?
Resources/ Budget
Is there a realistic budget for the study prepared?
Is there a list of references and Used the Referencing System described in the RCN House Style for writing document?
Appendix Participant Information Sheet and Participant Consent Form Is the Participant Information Sheet and Participant Consent
Form, sample data collection tool attached in the appendix?
Turnitin Is the proposal checked for plagiarism in the draft submission?
Note: Please check your proposal before binding it for completion of all the chapters,
format and contact your teacher for further clarification.
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