Improving Employees’ Engagement Scores at Marin General Hospital
Mohamed Abdelmonem
Western Governors University
MBA Healthcare Management program
Executive Summary ii 1.0. Introduction 1 1.1. History of the Hospital 1 1.2. Healthcare Services Offered by Marin General Hospital 2 1.3. Target Market of General Hospital 2 1.4. Business Challenge 2 1.5. Effects of Low Engagement Scores on Key Functional Areas in Marin General Hospital 3 1.5.1. Production 3 1.5.2. Marketing 4 1.5.3. Leadership 4 2.0. The Action Plan for the Implementation of 15 Software 4 2.1. Proposed Budget for Implementation of 15 Five software 6 2.2. Estimated Project Costs and Benefits of 15 Five software 8 3.0. Financial Returns of I5 Software 9 3.1. Net Present Value 9 3.1.2. Advice to the Marin General Hospital 10 3.2. Return on Investment (ROI) of 15 Five software 10 3.2.2. Advice to Marin General Hospital 11 3.3. Payback Period 11 3.3.3. Advice to Marin General Hospital 11 4.0. Estimated Benefits 15 Five software 11 4.1. Risk Analysis of 15 Five software 12 5.0. Organizational Returns 14 5.1. Morale 14 5.2. Productivity 14 5.3. Culture 14 6.0. Conclusion 15 6.1. Recommendation 15 References 16
Employee engagement is one of the most critical elements for the success of any organization. Proper engagement of the employees often leads to the success of an organization, while poor employment engagement often leads to the failure of an organization. The manner in which and when employee engagement are some of the ways that determine the success of the engagement. In the modern world, there are contemporary techniques and tools that can be used to enhance employee engagement. Various authors and scholars have delved into the issue in an attempt to seek ways in which employee engagement and other related asperse can be made even better.
This paper seeks to explain the concept of employee engagement, to explain its importance using a tool known at software 15, to elaborately explain how via the tool the concept of employee engagement can be improved, through the estimated results, conclusions and recommendation on the use of the software in regard to improvement of employee engagement in an organization, with a specific reference to Marin General Hospital.
The paper uses the case study of Marin General Hospital, carefully evaluates the situation of the hospital i.e. the services it provides, and some of the biggest challenges that it experiences. Concerning employee engagement, this paper introduces software 15, an extensive discussion of the software i.e. its implementation action plan, proposed budget, the various calculations such as R.O.I as well as the benefits which the software will have on the employee engagement of the organization. Finally the paper presents results of the various analyses above as well as recommendations of the use of the software by the hospital based on the discussion above, and which can be employed cross a number of organizations as well, to better employee engagement.
Employee engagement refers to the extent of dedication and commitment employees towards their role in their work (Carbonara, 2012). Engaged employees understand their purposes and roles in an organization. This improves performance of an organization. One factor affecting employee engagement is communication between the management and the employees. Therefore, with software that enhances communication, employer engagement will be enhanced. The I5 software is the new technology that helps an organization to analyze both qualitative and quantitative feedback from the employees. Using this technology, the senior managers at Marin General Hospital are in a better position to engage employees on the weekly basis. The software constantly sends customized surveys to employees and analyzes their feedback on various topics. However, despite the seemingly realistic benefits, these processes are not practiced by the Marin General Hospital. On contrary, this hospital is employing management software that is more geared to high profits and productivity rather than employee-management relationship. Using this approach, Marin General Hospital sideline the interests of the employees, an act that makes employees feel disconnected and discouraged from expressing their feelings and opinions on pertinent issues, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). Eventually, the employees’ engagement scores will be negatively affected resulting in low performance in finance, quality, and operational leadership. Currently, the research indicates that the employees’ engagement scores stand at the lowest percentage of 37.7 %, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). For this reason, there is a need to carry out a careful inquiry into strategies and approaches that tend to increase the engagement score to 67% and above. This report will present the development and implementation of I5 software which is expected to increase the employees’ engagement score. The report will highlight different aspects required to implement this software which includes, action plan, Gantt chart, long term financial returns and organizational returns. Additionally, the report provides all the relevant information about the Marin General Hospital such as the brief history, location, target market and healthcare services.
List of Tables
Table 1: Spreadsheet Chart 3 Table 2: Proposed Budget 5 Table 3: Estimated Costs 6 Table 4: NPV of 15 Five software System 8 Table 5: Payback period for ModRec Management System 9 Table 6: Risk Analysis of 15 Five software System 11
Marin General Hospital
1.1 History of the Hospital
In the year 1946, the State of California enacted a Legislative Act that led to the creation of Health Care Districts. These districts were public institutions with the mandate to improve health care provisions and expand these provisions to different parts in California State. It was under this mandate that the Marin General Hospital became fully operational. In the year 1981 and subsequent years, this hospital took advantage of bonds and leasing to expand its provisions of healthcare services to the general public. In the year 1995, Marin General Hospital performed dismally; and as a result of this performance, the hospital merged with Sutter Health and its ownership changed. However, in the year 1996, the Sutter Health and Marin General Hospital agreed to transfer the Hospital ownership to the community. This agreement paved the way for the Marin General Hospital to resume full ownership and control of the facility in the year 2010.
Marin General offers a wide variety of health care services to the general public that covers almost every form of medical specialty. The hospital has acquired and installed modern technologies to handle the emerging medical conditions and diseases. Furthermore, the resources are efficiently allocated to achieve this particular course of action. The major health care services offered in this hospital include Orthopedics, Cancer diagnosis, and treatment, physiotherapy, Rehabilitative services, mental and spinal care, surgery and urology among other services.
Marin General Hospital employs about 1500 employees and provides health care services to the residents living in the State of California, United States.
The management software used by the Marin General Hospital should combine both the qualitative and quantitative feedback with task management and pulse survey to evaluate how employees feel about their task, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). This act will significantly increase the engagement between the employees and the top management, the act that will consequently improve the employees’ engagement scores, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). However, this hospital is employing management software that is more geared to high profits and productivity rather than employee-management relationship. Using this approach, Marin General Hospital sideline the interests of the employees, an act that makes employees feel disconnected and discouraged from expressing their feelings and opinions on pertinent issues, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). Eventually, the employees’ engagement scores will be negatively affected resulting in low performance in finance, quality, and operational leadership. Currently, the research indicates that the employees’ engagement scores stand at the lowest percentage of 37.7 %, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). For this reason, there is a need to carry out a careful inquiry into strategies and approaches that tend to increase the engagement score to 67% and above. The use of I5 software will enable the management of Marine General Hospital to collect and analyze both qualitative and quantitative feedback from the employees. Eventually, the employees’ engagements score will start to rise due to the use of consultative and inclusive new management approaches. This study aims to improve the employee’s engagement score through the identifications of drivers that will increase employees’ engagement scores in Marin’s Laboratory.
Leadership is the key principle of creating an environment for engagement with employees. A positive environment is achieved by leaders demonstrating interest and concern for their employees. The leadership style contributes to the employee’s participation at Marin General Hospital. One of the lowest scores in Marin general Hospital employees’ engagement survey is communication between senior management and the employees. The lack of honest and consistent communications from the leaders make the employees feel left out and uncared for. The low employees’ engagement causes some resistance and grumbling amongst the medical staff working at the Marin General Hospital. These kinds of employees are ungovernable, and the hospital may witness regular widespread industrial actions that jeopardize the existing good relationship between the top management and staff. If this situation is not promptly acted upon, the employees may take a hard stance which is beyond the control of the institution’s leadership, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). Eventually, the hospital will rely on external parties such as courts and government intervention to restore the normal functioning of employees. Thus, low employees’ engagement negatively impacts the leadership of Marin General Hospital.
Proper leadership of the hospital, should involve critical thinking by the manages/ leaders/ ability to engage the employees properly, good communication with the employees by the management, constant motivation to the employees and employee appreciation(Chatterjee Et al 2013).
The low engagement scores impact negatively the ability of the Marin General Hospital to offer quality healthcare services to citizens. In healthcare, production is the outcome of treating patients and their satisfaction. Therefore with low engagement of employees, it is most definitely that the patient’s satisfaction will be low. In our case, the current management software used in this hospital does not engage employees at different levels. Eventually, the employees will feel sidelined and they end up putting in fewer efforts as they discharge their respective duties, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). Consequently, the overall service delivery at Marin General hospital will be adversely affected and its operations may be crippled. The employees will feel unmotivated and discouraged to work.
Engagement of the employees should be made optimal; to avoid scenarios off unengaged employees or over engaged employees. The correct number of employees should be hired so as to ensure that the employees are not overwhelmed or underworked. Optimal employee numbers and engagement will yield optimal results for the organization (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
Table showing statistics of the employees views and plight froma sample survey
Index | Employees interviewed | Those resigned because of poor management of the organization | Those resigned because of work pressure | Those resigned because of perceived working relationships and general condition | Those who resigned because of other reasons | Number not contented at work |
32 | 3 | 2 | 4 | 8 | 16 |
Some of the obstacles which have hindered and derailed the success of the hospital include like: leaders/managers who lack the necessary skills of management (for instance proper communication), lack of optimal number of employees, use of some outdated technologies hence the need to adopt the use of for instance I5 software among other problems.
Unengaged employees will not stay working at the hospital for a long time as they will look for a place that engages their employees. This affect negatively the remaining employee’s morale as it makes the remaining employees feel insecure about their job. Training new employees is time consuming which affects the productivity of the hospital. The senior employees will have to take additional tasks and duties which will have a negative impact of the employee’s production.
The poor performance caused by poor employees’ engagement threatens the quality of health care services received by the patients at Marin General Hospital.This kind of service may end up causing grumbling amongst the patients and if the situation is not addressed; there will be more likely a mass walkout of patients from this hospital, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). The grumbling patients and mass walkout send a strong signal to the rest of the population about the inability of the institution to offer the quality health care services, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). For this reason, it will be difficult for the Marin General Hospital to market its services to residents of California State. Similarly, the staff in Marine General Hospital will opt for other employment opportunities and the hospital will run low on staff. It will make it difficult for other potential employees to seek job opportunities in this hospital. This will be due to the bad reputation of the hospital. Therefore, low employees’ engagement scores affect negatively the marketing of healthcare services at Marine General Hospital.
Even though the hospital is aware of the low employee’s engagement, the senior management has been busy with daily day-to-day operations and planning the opening of the new hospital in 2020. Marin General Hospital spent lots of money on the new hospital which results in some financial distress that delayed taking actions about the low engagement score.
The Marin General Hospital should acquire and implement the I5 software to improve employees’ engagement scores. This system will enhance direct communication between the managers and the employees. As a result, the employees will gain confidence in their job and will in return deliver quality services. Engaging the employees make them feel valued as important participants in the organization.
The I5 software is a new employee’s review and performance software that allow employees to answer few questions and give feedbacks and suggestion to the management teams. Employees take about 15 minutes a week to answer the questions, while managers spend about five minutes to read the answers and comment on the response. The employees will feel engaged in meaningful dialogue that transforms into improved business outcome.
The Marin General Hospital should provide more training to the management team about how effective and honest communication with the employees will improve the employees’ engagement. In addition to this, comparison before and after implementation of the i5 software, should be made to show clearly the impact of employee engagement in the organization.
The Project plan is an important tool used during the execution of any successful project. The success of the project largely depends on how the project manager plan for projects sub-task and work packages. This act enables the project manager to estimate the project duration, to identify finished and unfinished tasks, and finally, to allocate resources (human and time resources) to various project tasks. In the given case study, the 15 Five software, a technology used to analyze employees’ feedback, is presented as the best alternative system to improve the employees’ engagement scores. This system will enhance employee-management relationship which will enhance employee engagement. For this reason, the student chose to develop a project of this management system. The developed plan consists of timescales and the milestones as shown in the table below.
In order to effectively acquire and implement the I5 software, the organization should firstly do a thorough research of the software, on aspects such as compatibility, cost and the systems checkup in comparison to the software before the use of the software can be adopted (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
The organization, should then install the necessary drivers, do the various systems updates and check on the configurations with the help of the software technicians. It is after the activity, and then the software can be bought and installed successfully for use by the organization. Follow-ups and checkups should be done on how the use of the software is progressing (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
In regard to training of the management, the organization should set aside funds, organize for leadership forums and trainings/ sessions and send its management personnel to such trainings. Alternatively, it should organize in-house training of its management, by the invitation of the various trainers and motivational professionals. The training should focus on effective and honest communication skills between the management of employees (Carbonara, 2012).
In order to compare the results before and after the implementation of the use of the I5, new records of the performance after the implementation of the use of the software should be taken and critically evaluated on timely basis. After some time, an analysis should be done to proof if indeed the performance has become better or I f it has worsened as far as the employee engagement is concerned (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
The resources which will be needed for the implementation of the above tasks are: commitment of time, enough funds (as per the calculations arrived at), help of experts such as the computer technicians and the engineer and the support of the management in the implementation of the software (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
Project Name | 15Five software | |||||
Project Manager | Bilal M | |||||
Project Deliverable | ||||||
Scope Statement: | ||||||
Start Date | 10-Feb | |||||
End Date | 13-Mar | |||||
Overall Progress | 20% | |||||
Tasks | Responsible | Resource | Start | End | Days | Status |
Set kick-off meeting | Team Manager | 1/29 | 2 | Not started | ||
Agree on objectives | Team Manager | 1/29 | 2/1 | 2 | Not started | |
Detailed Reqs. | Taha | 2/1 | 2/2 | 1 | Not started | |
Hardware Reqs. | Ahmad | 2/2 | 2/5 | 3 | Not started | |
Final Resource Plan | Jacob | 2/5 | 2/11 | 6 | Not started | |
Staffing | Bilal | 2/11 | 2/14 | 3 | Not started | |
Technical Reqs. | Taha. | 2/14 | 2/18 | 4 | Not started | |
DBI Development | Gulraiz. | 2/18 | 2/22 | 4 | Not started | |
API Development | Jacob | 2/22 | 2/26 | 4 | Not started | |
UI Client | Bilal | 2/26 | 2/28 | 2 | Not started | |
Testing | Ahmad | 2/28 | 3/2 | 3 | Not started | |
Dev. Complete | Jacob | 3/3 | 3/5 | 2 | Not started | |
Hardware Config. | Bilal | 3/5 | 3/8 | 3 | Not started | |
System Testing | Taha | 3/8 | 3/10 | 2 | Not started | |
Launch | 3/10 | 3/13 | 3 | |||
The above table shows the important tasks required to complete the implementations of the 15 Five software. The chronology of events gives the project manager the hint on what has been completed, the work in progress and the unfinished tasks. Also, the above table shows the important milestones in the implementation of the 15 Five software. The accomplished tasks are the kick-off meeting, objectives of the system, detailed and hardware requirements.
The budget preparation is critical to successful implementation of 15 Five software. In most instances, the implementation of the software fails due to the failure of the project manager to identify the potential costs. The budget estimation for any software implementation mostly revolves the material costs and labor costs. On this basis, the student to subdivided budget in different categories namely: the cost associated with team implementation, hardware, software, and facility. The proposed budget for each category is shown in the table below.
Resource Name | Resource Role | Resource Duration | CostingResource Duration × Resource rate (‘000’) |
Implementation Team | To pay for salaries and wages | 27 days | $11, 084× 27= $299,271 |
Software | To acquire software | 3 days | $36, 100×3=$108,300 |
Hardware | To acquire physical infrastructure | 3 days | $5.018× 3=$15. 054 |
Facility | To rent office | 1 day | $200× 1=$200 |
Total | – | 30 days | $407786.054 |
The above table show the estimated budget of the tasks required to successfully implement the 15 Five software. First is the cost associated with the implementation team from the start date to the end. This cost consists of salaries and wages of the team members discharging various duties to finalize the implementation of the system. The salaries and wages are drawn from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics website (2018) which provides the average wages of system developers. Secondly, the hardware budgets which consist of costs are associated with the physical infrastructure required to install 15 Five software. These infrastructures consist of data collection centers, 9TB RAM, and 592v CPU among other physical structures. The costs of these are derived from online Microsoft stores that sell various types of software and hardware. On the other hand, the budget of software consists its licensing fees and acquisition costs. The licensing fees were drawn from the review of Public Sector bids on the similar products. Also, the licensing fees were drawn from the review of charges charged by the State authorities. The cost of acquiring different software was drawn the from online Microsoft stores that sell various types of software. Conclusively, the total estimated budget required to implement the 15 Five software sum to $335, 5, 76 0, 200
The costs for implementing 15 Five software are divided into capital costs, operation and maintenance costs. The capital costs consist of one-time expense incurred during the acquisition of the system. The operation costs are day-to-day expenses incurred to run the proposed system while the maintenance costs are expenses incurred to keep the 15 Five software in good conditions, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). The following table represents the aforementioned types of costs.
Fiscal Year | Capital Cost | Operation & Maintenance Cost | Salvage Value | Total Cost |
2018 | $1.40 | $3.46 | $1.40 | |
2019 | $64.91 | $3.46 | $64.91 | |
2020 | $93.38 | $3.46 | $93.38 | |
2021 | $165.39 | $3.46 | $165.39 | |
2022 | $57.83 | $3.46 | $61.29 | |
($81.14) | ||||
Total | $382.91 | $17.30 | $81.14 | $386.87 |
The operation life of project life: 5 years | ||||
Salvage Value: 20% of investment cost |
The above table shows the estimated costs of using the 15 Five software. The operation costs consist of Accounting and legal fees, rent, office supply costs, repair and maintenance, utility expenses, salaries, and wages, (Chatterjee Et al 2013). The salvage value is a- estimated value of 15 five software system after its useful life (after five years). This value was calculated using the straight-line method. Finally, the capital cost is the cost required to bring the 15 Five software. The capital cost was derived from the from the 15 Five software Technologies website which manufactures and sell 15 Five software.
It is an approach used to determine the profitability of the investment; and hence, it is a critical tool used to make investment decisions. it is calculated by subtracting the present values of cash outflows from the present the present values of cash inflows. The initial cost of acquiring 15 Five software system is $300, 000(‘Microsoft Online Stores’ 2018). According to the Digital Business Investment consultant firm, the discounted rate of 15 Five software system is five percent and has increased cash inflows throughout its life. The cash inflows from this system for a period five years are as follows: $ 10 00, 000, 125, 000, 132, 000, 147, 000 and 165, 000. The table below shows the calculated net present value of the 15 Five software.
Table 4: NPV of 15 Five software System
Year | Cash Flows | Present Value |
1 | 100, 000 | $78,352.62 |
2 | 125, 000 | $97,940.77 |
3 | 132, 000 | $103,425.45 |
4 | 147,000 | $115,178.35 |
5 | 165, 000 | $129,281.82 |
NPV (Present values – Initial Costs | $572,862.42 | $272,862.42 |
The medical institutions should invest in 15 Five software the NPV is positive. The positive NPV is a clear indication that implementing the system will yield optimal results.
From the above provided information in the table, the NPV values are positive and it gives an indication that the profits will be made instead of the losses. It is important to note also that the values are very huge a positive value which hence gives an indication that the profits have a high possibility to double or even triple. However, the management should know that the expected cash flows are estimation from the consultancy firm’s analysts and the results do not automatically imply positive project worth (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
It measures the gain or loss generated by the 15 Five software relative to its initial cost. It is calculated using the formula below.
ROI = (Net Profit / Cost of Investment) x 100
Hence, the ROI of 15 Five software for the five years is given by
272,862.42/300, 000
From the above figure, it is clear that for the next five years, the gain made, relative to the cost will increase upon the start of use of the software.
The software will minimize the losses made and put the organization on a possible trajectory to consistent profit making.
The management of the healthcare institutions should adopt the 15 Five software because the ROI index is good. The higher the ROI index the higher the profitability of the investment and vice versa. With the software, the ROI is with no doubt higher, as shown above and this points out to the fact that for every dollar which will be invested, the profits (return on investments) will be high (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
Using the analyses from the Digital Business Investment consultant firm where the cash inflows are as follows: $ 1000, 000, 125, 000, 132, 000, 147, 000 and 165, 000 and the discount rate is 5% then the payback period for these irregular cash flows is shown in the table below.
Table 5: Payback period for ModRec Management System
Cash Flow | Net Cash Flow | Discounted Cash Flow | Net Discounted Cash Flow | |
Year 0 | $-300,000.00 | $-300,000.00 | $-300,000.00 | $-300,000.00 |
Year 1 | $100,000.00 | $-200,000.00 | $95,238.10 | $-204,761.90 |
Year 2 | $125,000.00 | $-75,000.00 | $113,378.68 | $-91,383.22 |
Year 3 | $132,000.00 | $57,000.00 | $114,026.56 | $22,643.34 |
Year 4 | $147,000.00 | $204,000.00 | $120,937.26 | $143,580.61 |
Year 5 | $165,000.00 | $369,000.00 | $129,281.82 | $272,862.42 |
Payback Period: 2.568 years
Discounted Payback Period: 2.801 years
Cash Flow Return Rate: 31.09% per year
The above information therefore means that the payback period is low,( if the software is used) and therefore the profits will be made and they will increase over a very short period of time(payback period).
The healthcare institutions will start enjoying the profits after 2.8 years and hence, it is a plausible idea to invest in the new system, together with all the above information and analysis, for instance which of the ROI, the organization is therefore strongly advice to embrace the use of the software, the soonest.
The risk analysis is an act of identifying risks that may jeopardize the success of the project implementations. As with any other project, the implementation of 15 Five software has a number of risks that threatened its implementations. The first risk is the technological risk. There might be insufficient technical know-how of maintaining the 15 Five software resulting in inaccurate data. This situation may threaten the tendency of the healthcare institutions to adopt the new system of Electronic Health Record. However, this kind of is mitigated through research and development. Similar to the other fields, the research and development will invent new technologies on how to maintain the 15 Five software.
The second risk is the resistance from the medical professionals and other stakeholders. The medical professionals may perceive the new system as a threat to their careers, and hence, they may stall its implementations. On the other hand, the other stakeholders such patients may doubt the confidentiality of their medical information that is stored and accessed from the new system. For this reason, the patients hesitate to use the new system and instead go for the other forms of sharing their information. However, this risk is mitigated by creating awareness amongst the users. The education dispenses the doubts the users may be having on the new system.
Table 6: Risk Analysis of 15 Five software System
Risk Name | Likelihood of the Risk |
Technology | Very High |
People | Low |
From the above table, there is a high likelihood for the technological risks to occur when implementing the 15 Five software. On the other hand, there is a low likelihood for risks associated with people to occur. The likelihood of technological risk is high because the staffs have inadequate knowledge of how to operate the new system, and hence, they may end-up making technological errors. Consequently, there is little knowledge of how to maintain and repair the new system. Technology experts have not found out reliable technology required to maintain and repairs the system failure; thus, its implementation faces high technological risks. On another point, the risks associated with the people are less likely to occur during the implementation of the new system. The resistance from the medical staff is deliberate and are caused by job and privacy-related insecurities. The education will provide the much-needed knowledge on the positive and the negative impacts of the new system, an act that will help avert the riskm (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
The new proposed I5 software will bring morale to both the medical staff and senior management of Marin General Hospital. The medical staff will be highly motivated to submit their feedback and opinions touching the pertinent issues in the hospital. Through this submission, the medical staffs will feel assured of amicable solutions to their grievances. On another point, the senior management stands a better chance to receive prompt receives responses from the staff. This act will motivate them to look for solutions to the raised issues and the desire to fulfill the interests of the employees. Eventually, the Marin General Hospital will achieve the smooth working relationship that transforms its overall performance.
The implementation of I5 software will bring a radical change to the overall productivity of the medical staff at Marin General Hospital. This software will increase the engagement between the employees and the senior management, an act that will encourage teamwork and a sense of belonging amongst the employees. Teamwork encourages the performance of different duties as a team; and hence, contributing to high-quality outputs. On another point, sense of belonging encourage the medical staff to strive for better results to achieve both short and long term goals; eventually, contributing to a greater extent the productivity of the organization.
The implementation of the proposed software will cultivate a good culture within the Marin General Hospital. As a matter of specificity, the I5 software enhances good communication within the institutions. Through the implementation of this software, both the senior management and working staff will have a culture of sharing ideas, raising pertinent issues and the provision of amicable solutions to these issues. Furthermore, good engagement and communication are good for organizational performance and achievement of goals.
It is important to note that lack of the above recommendations has a severe negative effect on the organization. To begin with, lack of the software will retain the status quo of poor communication level and quality of feedbacks to the employees. With lack of feedback and communication between the employees and the management, it results in poor working condition and ultimate results as shown above (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
When the employees are not engaged properly with the management it kills the team work, coordination and the overall morale of the employees. It is because of tyhis reason that lack of implementation of the above recommended aspects may lead to poor performance of the organization, especially in the overall results of the organization for instance in terms of profitability and employee satisfaction levels (Chatterjee Et al 2013).
The I5 software is on the right course to its completion with twenty percent of the overall work completed. The project is well distributed among the team members, an act that will improve the completion rate. The implementation budget is carefully developed to avoid future shortages that may cripple the success of the software. The cost elements are carefully selected and the most important elements were given priority. These elements were the hardware, software, facility and the salaries and wages of the implementation team. On the same note, the cost and benefits of the new software was estimated.
Index | Date and Duration taken | Location | Method Used | Summary of keys discussed | Next Action/Intended Action |
1 | 12/3/201860 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Face-to-Face | Initial capstone discussion with lab director. | Identify a problem. |
2 | 12/7/201860 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Face-to-Face | Discussed and agreed on problem statement. | Next meet with patient experience director. |
3 | 12/11/201830 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Face-to-Face | Discussed the functional area related or contributed to the problem. | Meet with IT department. |
4 | 12/17/201860 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Face-to-Face | Discussed the impact of the employees’ engagement of IT. | Collect data related to the functional areas. |
5 | 12/23/201830 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Face-to-Face | Discussed the impact of possible solution on the functional areas. | Meet with Financial department. |
6 | 12/28/201810 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Collect additional data. | Analyze the data. | |
7 | 1/7/201915 minutes | Head Office Discussion Hall. | Face-to-Face | Collect additional data related to the soft and hard cost. | Work on the recommendation and implantation of the project. |
Timeline of scheduled Activities
Index | Activity | Date from-Date to (of follow up) | Status of checkup/milestone achieved | Comments | Next Check Up |
1 | Engagement with the management over the adoption of I5 software | 10/03/2019-20/03/2019 | |||
2 | Getting of external educators and provision of education to the management | 01/04/2019-02/05/2019 | |||
3 | Assessment of the managers to see if they have grasped the details taught to them | 03/05/2019-10/03/2019 | |||
4 | Overall analysis of the organization performance. | 05/06/2019-12-06/2019 |
Carbonara, S. (2012). Manager’s Guide to Employee Engagement. McGraw Hill Professional.
Chatterjee, S., Levin, C., & Laxminarayan, R. (2013). Unit Cost of Medical Services at Different ssHospitals in India. PLoS ONE, 8(7), e69728. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0069728
Microsoft Store Online. (2018, October 10). Retrieved from
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. (2018, April 13). Software Developers: Occupational Outlook Handbook: Retrieved from #
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Have you ever had to write an admission essay for college? The majority of students face the same issues when applying to a university or college and many in such situations decide they need professional help to cope with this matter. They get in a situation when the deadline keeps coming closer but lack motivation to start because they are just not sure if their writing skills are strong enough. We have a solution for you! Ace Writing Center is the best admission essay writing service with a large professional team and years of experience in providing high-quality papers to students of all levels and faculties. The mission of our team is to help students make their dreams of entering a good college come true and that’s what we offer!.
Editing and Proofreading
Sometimes all the words for your paper just flow out of your mind and into your fingers. You type quickly at your keyboard and there they are, your beautiful words right there on the screen. But you have no idea how to polish it up. You may be wishing there was a paper writing service that offered this type of writing service. Look no more! Here at Ace Writing Center, we offer you an editing and proofreading option that you can't find anywhere else..
College Essay Writing
In case you are familiar Ace Writing Center, you know the way to distinguish a better company from a cheap one exactly. First of all, poor service website does not have a sufficient support. We think support team is an essential part of success; it has to answer all clients’ questions and be a connecting link between clients and their writers. On our web-service you will get answers about anything you need and your writer will receive all your instructions, assignments and requirements exactly and swiftly. A writing service that we run has got a flexible pricing system that will save you from senseless wastes and many bonus systems that let you sparing money for something important for you.