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January 2017 Promot ing Heal th . Enhancing L i fe . Reducing Costs .

Healthy Letter®Life

Inside This Issue:

Self-Care Corner ……………..2

Medical News ………………….3

Smart ways to avoid cybercrime Cybercrime is a growing problem as we rely on computers and the Internet more than ever before. Many people regularly shop online, send personal information, and even control appliances or household security over the Internet.

Though this offers convenience, it’s important to take steps to keep your information and your family safe from cybercrime. Cybercrime happens every day with hackers stealing bank information, using computers to attack others, or erasing important online information.

The U.S Department of Homeland Security recommends: • Only use the Internet on a network

that is password protected. Free or open networks may leave you vulnerable.

• Do not send personal information, such as your social security number or bank information, over the Internet. Companies will not ask you to send information this way.

• Do not open or respond to emails from people you don’t recognize and never click on the links inside the email.

• Use long, hard-to-guess passwords for all your devices and email accounts. Change your passwords regularly.

• Consider scaling back your social media sharing. Tighten privacy settings so only people you know well can see your activity.

• If you see an email or online offer that seems too good to be true, it’s probably a scam.


Self-Care Corner


Proven tips for clear skin Acne can be an emotionally challenging condition for people of almost any age. The American Academy of Dermatology says acne affects up to 50 million people each year.

Fortunately, there are a variety of products that can help you manage acne. If you or your child is dealing with acne, check out some of the most popular options to treat this condition.

Salicylic acid

What it does: Reduces redness and unclogs pores.

Side effects: Minor redness, peeling or stinging.

How to get it: Drugstore acne cleansers, toners, pads and creams. Dermatologists offer higher strength products and peels.

Benzoyl peroxide

What it does: Kills bacteria in the pores that causes acne.

Side effects: Dryness, redness, peeling or stinging. May bleach hair or clothing.

How to get it: Drugstore acne washes, creams and gels. Dermatologists offer products that combine benzoyl peroxide with other ingredients, such as an antibiotic.


What it does: Decreases the buildup of cells within pores.

Side effects: Dryness, redness, peeling and burning that can be severe. Should not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women or women who may become pregnant.

How to get it: Only available from a dermatologist. Usually used for moderate to severe acne only.

Antibiotics What it does: Kills acne bacteria on the skin.

Side effects: Dryness and irritation. Some antibiotics can cause antibiotic resistance, especially if not used as directed by a doctor. This means the bacteria is no longer affected by the antibiotic and the medicine will no longer work correctly.

How to get it: Only available from a dermatologist. Some antibiotics are applied to the skin. Others are taken as a pill.

Getting breakouts under control can improve self-confidence and emotional well-being. If drugstore products don’t work for you, ask your doctor about stronger options. If your acne treatment is too drying, try a facial moisturizer labeled “non-comedogenic,” which means it won’t clog pores.



Medical News

Birth defects can be devastating for parents and their baby. Sadly, many birth defects happen without an obvious cause and cannot be avoided. But, doctors know there are some things a woman can do before and during pregnancy to help lower the risk of birth defects. They include:

Can birth defects be prevented?

Take 400 micrograms (mcg) of folic acid every day.

This is a B vitamin that can reduce the risk of certain brain and spine

defects. Experts recommend taking it even before you get pregnant.

Get good medical care. See your doctor regularly and tell him or her if you

plan to get pregnant. Begin prenatal care as soon as possible after you become

pregnant. It’s important to talk about any health

problems you may have and any

medicines you take. You’ll also need

tests to check for high blood pressure,

blood sugar, and other possible

pregnancy problems. You may also need

certain vaccines (shots) to prevent illness and avoid

some birth defects.

Avoid alcohol, tobacco products, and any street

drugs including marijuana. These can harm a developing baby.

Work toward a healthy weight.

Overweight women have a higher risk of birth defects. Talk to your doctor about

safe ways to achieve a

healthy weight. Ask your

doctor how much weight you should gain during pregnancy.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention



How to make the most of your lunch break

It can be tempting to skip your lunch break if you’re swamped. But taking a midday break can renew your energy and productivity through the afternoon and into the evening. Try these tips to make the most of your break:

• Plan your afternoon. If you’re stressed about work, make a quick list of what you want to accomplish. If there’s too much to do and not enough time, determine which things are top priority and which can wait.

Copyright 2017, American Institute for Preventive Medicine. All rights reserved. 30445 Northwestern Hwy., Ste . 350 Farmington Hills, MI 48334

248.539.1800 • •

Lunch break naps: good

or bad?

If you get a 30 or 60 minute lunch break, should you nap during this time? The National Sleep Foundation says you can consider it. Be sure you:

• Keep the midday nap to 20 minutes or less.

• Keep it early in the day. Late afternoon or early evening naps could make it hard to fall asleep at night.

If you find that napping interferes with your nighttime sleep, skip it. It’s more important to get good sleep at night.

• Get up from your workspace. A change of scenery can refresh you, even if it’s only for a few minutes. Staying in the same place all day can leave you feeling burned out.

• Stop thinking about work. Take a few moments, if you can, to take a deep breath and do something you enjoy. That might be listening to a song, a quick walk outside, or having lunch with a friend.

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Editing and Proofreading

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