Planning for Data Collectio

Week 8 Initial Discussion Post

Planning for Data Collection

Evidence-based practice is a theory that consists of using research to guide decision making in clinical and nursing settings.  For research to be reliable and have validity a significant amount of data collection must first be collected.  Whether a research project is using quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-methods design, it is essential to determine what types of information is needed.  Due to the emphasis on patient satisfaction in the healthcare world at this time, it is crucial to evaluate how that care is being delivered (Krietz, Winters & Pedowitz, 2016).  In this post, I will discuss using a survey method to obtain information representative of the population within a clinic setting.

In the example, I am a nurse working in a local primary care facility which sees thousands of patients annually.  To make better clinical decisions regarding patient care and satisfaction, five questions have been created to elicit feedback.  The questions are as follows:

1. Did you feel the wait time to be seen in the office was appropriate?

2. During your visit, did you feel the nurses and staff listened to your concerns and treated you with courtesy and respect?

3. Did the provider spend enough time listening, discussing care, and answering your questions?

4. Based on your experience today, would you recommend our clinic to someone you know?

5. In your opinion, what could our clinic have done better?

To obtain structured data that is self-reported and applicable to the clinic’s objectives, it is vital to determine which instrument would work best for the clientele.  Self-report methods can extract information from patients that might otherwise be difficult to get (Polit & Beck, 2017).  Allowing the freedom to report their experiences and feelings increases confidence in the clinic’s desire to meet their needs.  If researchers know what data they want to obtain, a structured approach with some open-ended and closed questions can garner the information needed to make significant changes (Polit & Beck, 2017). Using a mixture of questions is an attempt to include all patients.

For this scenario, the questionnaire is a sampling of both types of questions and is the most popular method (Keough & Tanabe, 2011).  The study will be given to individuals 18 and over.  The questionnaire and a pen will be given to the patient by the nurse prior at the start of their appointment with the physician. An explanation of the questionnaire will be provided with instructions to return their questionnaire to the drop-box on the countertop in the room after their exam. The goal for participation is 500 patient responses over six months.   Responses will be collected and responses logged into the computer on Fridays by the nurse manager.  After the six months, results will be calculated, and staff will be informed of the results and clinical implications for patient care.

Implementing change processes requires the support of clinical staff and providers.  Since patient care is seen as an essential component of healthcare, working together as a staff to create a warm, friendly, and improved patient experience is the ultimate objective (McNicholas et al., 2017).  With excellent leadership and teamwork, the clinic can attain staff satisfaction and patient satisfaction simultaneously.


Keough, V.A., & Tanabe, P. (2011). Survey research: An effective design for conducting nursing research. Journal of Nursing Regulation1(4), 37-44. doi:/10.1016/S2155-8256(15)30315-X

Krietz, T., Winters, B., & Pedowitz, D. (2016). The influence of wait time on patient satisfaction in the orthopedic clinic. Journal of Patient Experience3(2), 39-42. doi:/10.1177/2374373516652253

McNicholas, A., McCall, A., Werner, A., Wounderly, R., Marichak, E., & Jones, P. (2017). Improving patient experience through nursing satisfaction. Journal of Trauma Nursing24(6), 371-375. doi:/10.1097/JTN.0000000000000328

Polit, D. F., & Beck, C. T. (2017). Nursing research: Generating and assessing evidence for nursing practice (10th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer.



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